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Should I Do a Divorce on My Own?

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Should I Do a Divorce on My Own?

3 Reasons You Should Never Attempt “DIY Divorce.”

Although you may want to get the divorce process over with as quickly as possible, taking on this daunting and life-changing event on your own will likely cause more harm than good. A

“DIY divorce” may not take less time, primarily when laws must be understood and followed. Not fully understanding how the divorce process works can mean more risk for problems to haunt you down the line. The following three reasons illustrate why do-it-yourself divorce is never a wise idea:

1. Underestimating Child Support and Lack of Knowledge of Child Support Laws

If you have children from the marriage, you want to make sure they're well-cared for. In a typical divorce, your family law attorney will work to ensure child support is set up in a way that's in the best interest of all parties involved. Parents often forget about extraneous or out-of-pocket expenses in DIY divorces, like extra-curricular activities, school tuition, and more. Each parent's income is also a factor when it comes to child support calculations.

Related Video — Attorney Joy Owenby — How Does the Judge Calculate Child Support?

2. Misunderstanding of The Paperwork Involved

Divorce law is more complicated than most people realize, which is why family law attorneys are there to help guide you through the process. Many divorce forms have subtle legal nuances that a layperson would not understand; these nuances and loopholes can cause legal trouble for you later on. Owning a business, having shared assets, and joint debt can complicate the paperwork process.

3. Assuming The Marital Assets Are Split Evenly

Although Florida is an equitable distribution state, this does not mean all assets from the marriage are divided evenly. Courts typically take various factors into account when determining how to divide assets, including the economic circumstances of each party, the duration of the marriage, the contribution of one spouse to the career and education of the other spouse, and more.

Considering Divorce? Contact a Florida Family Law Attorney Today

No two divorce cases are the same. At Owenby Law, our team of Jacksonville divorce attorneys understands this and are prepared to build and implement a personalized strategy specifically for your divorce. When our firm represents you, you know that we will work hard to protect your rights and interests.

Contact Owenby Law, P.A. at (904) 770-3141 for a consultation today if you're ready to begin the divorce process.