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How to Protect Your Privacy in Divorce

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Understanding the Importance of Privacy in Divorce Matters

Guarding your privacy is not just keeping the gossipers out of your business. Protecting your privacy means protecting your children and assets from ensuring that in a heated divorce situation, an angry spouse won’t use every ounce of information they get about you to gain an advantage in the divorce. Here are some tips to help you keep your privacy intact while going through the divorce process:

Update Your Passwords

When it comes to safeguarding your financial information and other accounts, it’s critical to do an audit. Here are some examples of accounts that should get a password change:

  • Personal bank accounts: If you have checking, savings, or any other type of financial accounts solely in your name, be sure to update your passwords and additional pertinent information.
  • Shopping accounts: Your Amazon account can give more information about you to your ex than you think. If you share an Amazon account, consider setting up a new one in your name.
  • Email accounts: Whether you use email for work, personal correspondence, or discussions of your case with your lawyer, change your email passwords and security questions to ensure you have complete privacy.

When updating your passwords, it’s also critical to change your security questions as well. Your ex-spouse likely knows your mother’s maiden name or where your oldest sibling lives.

Also, keep in mind that you want to ensure that the phone number associated with your sensitive accounts is also updated. Many banks and other financial institutions will send a text to the phone number you have on file to verify information, so ensure it’s not connected to your ex.

If you are unsure which accounts you can legally change and leave your ex out of, speak with your divorce attorney first to ensure you comply with all aspects of the law.

Update Your Home Address

If you no longer live at the same address as your spouse, fill out a change of address form with your local post office. You can also change your address online. Forwarding your mail can safeguard your private letters and other correspondence so that they are only opened and seen by you. Not changing your address could leave you open to your spouse having access to your sensitive personal information.

Don’t Talk in Great Detail About Your Divorce.

Talking about how your divorce situation is making you feel and getting emotional support is, of course, a wonderful thing and can help you get through a challenging time. However, while getting support from friends and family can help you feel better about your situation, you must keep specific details confidential. For example, keep information about your assets, children, and other sensitive information to yourself. Leaking information to even those you trust could still get back to your ex and be used against you.

Need Help Filing for Divorce? We are Here For You.

Deciding to divorce your spouse is not an easy decision to make and can present many challenges along the way. Whether your marriage involves children, a business, or high-value assets, it can be a daunting process to navigate the complexities of family law.

Florida divorce laws can be complicated, which is why the knowledge and support from an experienced divorce lawyer are paramount to a smoother process. If you feel frustrated and don’t know how to proceed with filing for divorce, we are here to help. Our family law attorneys are here to assist you when going through a difficult time. We will walk you through the process so you can feel at ease. Know that you are not alone, and we are ready to support you with care and understanding.

Contact Owenby Law, P.A. today at (904) 770-3141 to schedule a free initial consultation with our team.
