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How Common is Remarriage?

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According to data from the Pew Research Center in 2013, about four in ten new marriages are between people who have been previously married. This is a dramatic increase from years prior, with the remarriage rate in 1980 being 17 percent and 13 percent in 1960. While this could be for a multitude of reasons, there are some key factors that play a role in this increase.

Contributing Factors to Remarriage

While there are many contributing factors as to why an individual would want to remarry, some reasons are more common than others. Factors that remain more prevalent with remarriage are:

  • Rise in Divorce Rate
  • Aging Population
  • Financial Stability

Rise in Divorce Rate

There has been a large increase in the divorce rate over the past few decades (while it has been on a decline in recent years), which has led to an increase in the rate of remarriage. While divorce can be a difficult and emotionally charged process, it can also offer opportunities for growth and new beginnings. Remarriage provides many people a chance to build a stronger, more stable relationship.

Aging Population

As the population ages, the remarriage rate reaches its highest (55-64 year old age range). The increased rate of remarriage in the older population is due, in part, to the facts that:

  • There are more people who are divorced.
  • There are more people who are widowed.

An older population has more time to experience life, become married, go through a divorce or experience the trials of widowhood. Additionally, remarriage is common among the older population as life expectancy continues to increase.

Financial Stability

The Pew Research Center found that remarried adults are faring better financially than those who are divorced or widowed. The study found that remarried adults are more likely to own homes and have higher incomes (79 percent have homes with an individual average $30,000 per year income) than those who are divorced or widowed (58 percent have homes while making an average $25,000 per year). In addition, the results showed that remarried adults are less likely to be living in poverty (7 percent) than those who are divorced or widowed (19 percent).

Why People Choose to Remain Single

There are several reasons why previously married people choose to remain single. In some cases, individuals may prefer to focus on their own personal growth and development after a marriage. Others may want to avoid the potential conflict that can come with being in a new relationship. Additionally, some people may feel they need more time to heal from the hurt and pain associated with their last relationship before they are ready to enter another committed relationship.

Your Jacksonville, Florida Divorce Attorneys

If you're going through a divorce, you need an experienced attorney on your side. The divorce attorneys at Owenby Law, P.A. have the knowledge and skill to help you through this difficult time. We can help you with all aspects of your divorce, including property division, child custody, and alimony. We understand the law and will work tirelessly to get you the best possible outcome.

If you are contemplating divorce, contact us today by calling (904) 770-3141 or by filling out our free initial consultation form!
