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Do I Have to Pay Child Support for My Ex’s Child After a Divorce?

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In today’s day and age, stepfamilies are prevalent, as the US Bureau of Census states that over 50% of US families are remarried or re-coupled. However, not every remarriage works out, which means divorce is still a possibility for new relationships. In this blog post, Owenby Law will help you determine if you must pay child support for an ex’s child from another relationship.

How Florida Child Support Works

As we all know, raising children costs money, and the government believes that it’s the parent's job to pay for their child’s wellbeing. Child support payments are used to “force” parents to take financial responsibility for their children. In other words, child support ensures that those who are responsible for a child’s existence are financially responsible as well.

Child support is meant to hold parents responsible for the children they create. Therefore, stepparents typically have no financial obligation to pay child support for their stepchildren once they divorce their spouse. However, there is one circumstance where stepparents may have to make child support payments.

Adoption & Divorce

If a stepparent adopts his or her stepchildren, he or she takes on the legal responsibility of the parent. Therefore, if the stepparent and the spouse get divorced, the stepparent may have to pay child support for the kids because the children are his or her legal responsibility.

Have Questions or Need Representation?

If you’re confused by this blog post, there is no need to fear! You can talk to Owenby Law about your divorce and child support scenario to get the information you’re looking for. With decades of combined family law experience, the attorneys of Owenby Law are more than prepared to help you with your case.

Call (904) 770-3141 now to talk to an attorney today!
